How to get baseball eye black out of clothes [Proven methods]

Baseball is a game of passion, tenacity, and perseverance. Like their field abilities, a player’s equipment is vital.

How to get baseball eye blackout of clothes – guide

Using eye black is one essential aspect of that equipment. It has become a baseball standard, offering functional and aesthetic benefits. 

Despite the supposed benefits of eye black, it is easy to get the color stained on your jersey. Maybe while applying it or getting involved in activities on the field.

If this happens to you, do not fret; here’s a comprehensive guide on getting the stain from your clothes. 

What is the black eye under a baseball player’s eye made of?

Before delving into how to remove the black eye stain effectively, we must know what it is made of. Baseball eye black is dark-colored grease or stickers used by athletes, mostly baseball players.

It is applied in horizontal or vertical stripes under the eye to reduce glare from the sun or bright lights. It helps players to see more clearly and maintain focus during games.

The dark color of the eye black absorbs light, reducing the reflection and glare that can interfere with a player’s vision. 

 While the primary purpose of eye black is to reduce glare, some athletes also believe it has psychological benefits. It makes them appear more intimidating or focused.

Getting the black eye stain out of your clothes

Eye black comes in different colors. If you get some on your clothes and want to remove it, here are some steps you can follow:

Act quickly

It’s best to address the stain as soon as possible before it sets into the fabric. The longer the black eye remains on the clothes, the more difficult it may be to remove.

Follow the guidelines on the product to remove stains, if any.  

Scrape off excess

Use a blunt object, like a spoon or dull knife, to gently scrape off any excess eye black from the fabric. Be careful not to rub or push the stain further into the material.

Pre-treat the stain

Apply a small amount of liquid laundry detergent or a stain remover onto the stained area. Gently rub the detergent into the fabric using your fingers or a soft brush.

You could use stain removers safe for the fabric of your jersey. Some people recommend using white vinegar.

Create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Others suggest a baking soda paste. You can also use rubbing alcohol.

Let it soak

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Image by Freepik

Fill a sink or basin with cold water and submerge the stained clothing item. Allow it to soak for at least 30 minutes.

If the stain is particularly stubborn, add a small amount of laundry detergent to the water and wash it gently.

Wash as usual

 After the soaking period:

  • Wash the clothing item according to the care instructions on the label.
  • Check if the stain is fully removed before drying the clothes.
  • If the stain persists, repeat the pre-treatment and washing process, or consider using a stain remover specifically designed for grease or oil stains.

Different fabrics and colors may react differently to stain removal methods. It is essential always to check the care label on your clothes.

Follow the recommended instructions for washing and treating stains. If the garment is delicate or requires special care, consider professional cleaning or consult a dry cleaner.

Steps to remove baseball eye black from your cloth 

To remove baseball eye black from your clothes, you can follow these steps:

Blot the stain

Start by blotting the affected area gently with a clean cloth or paper towel. This will help absorb any excess eye black and prevent it from spreading further.

Rinse with cold water

Rinse the fabric under cold running water to remove the soapy residue and any loosened eye black. Hold the fabric with the stained area facing downward to help flush the stain.

Check the stain

Assess the stain’s visibility. If it’s still visible, you can repeat the pre-treatment process. This includes reapplying the laundry detergent and allowing it to sit longer.

Launder as usual

Wash the clothing as per the care instructions on the label. Use the recommended water temperature and appropriate cycle for the fabric. Adding an enzyme-based laundry detergent can help break down any remaining stains.

Check before drying

Before drying the clothes, ensure the stain is fully removed. The heat from drying can set stains, making them more challenging to remove later. If the stain remains, repeat the pre-treatment and washing process before drying. 

Air-dry or tumble dry

After confirming the stain is gone, either air dry the garment or tumble dry it according to the care instructions. Air drying is usually safer, especially if there is doubt about complete stain removal.

If the garment is delicate, consider seeking professional cleaning services to prevent any potential damage.

Precautions to take to avoid the black eye stain

It is better to be safe than sorry. Taking these precautions can prevent baseball eye black from getting on your clothes. 

Apply it carefully

When applying eye black, keep it within the intended area, typically under the eyes. Take your time and use a mirror if needed to ensure precise application.

Avoid spreading it on other parts of your face or hands, which could transfer to your clothes.

Let it dry

Allow the eye black to fully dry before putting on your clothes. Wet or semi-dried eye black is more likely to transfer onto fabrics.

Give it a few minutes to dry completely, and consider blotting gently with a tissue to remove any excess.

Wear protective barriers

Consider using a sweatband to create a barrier between your skin and clothing. This can help prevent eye black from accidentally transferring onto your clothes, especially if you sweat heavily during games or practices.

Use alternative options

Traditionally, eye black was made from charcoal or soot and petroleum jelly. Some eye-black grease is formed with beeswax, paraffin, and charcoal powder.

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You may opt for an alternative product that uses grease or stickers instead of traditional eye black. There are black eye pencils or liquid that dries quickly.

These options may have a lower risk of transferring onto your clothes. Nowadays, there are also commercially available eye black stickers that players can peel and stick onto their skin.

These anti-glare stickers are made of patented cloth with a dull, matte texture. You could also check out some of the best eye black for baseball players

Wash your hands

After applying eye black, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This helps remove any excess eye black on your hands. They wouldn’t accidentally get transferred to your clothes when handling them.

Be cautious during activities

Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes excessively while wearing eye black. This can increase the chances of transferring it onto your clothes.

Stay mindful and minimize contact with your eyes or face during the game or practice.

Final Words

It is standard for baseball players to find their clothes stained with eye black. Since it’s grease, it should be easy to remove the stain.

Following these precautions minimizes the risk of eye black on your clothes and causing stains or discoloration.