Is Ramen Good For Bulking?

Bulking is not all about hitting the gym. It also involves maintaining a proper diet and eating the right food.

Various people have different reasons for working out.  Some people want an excellent cut shape, while others prefer to bulk up.

A general question among people who want to bulk up is whether ramen is good for bulking.

Is Ramen Good For Bulking 1

Ramen might be cheap, but it is also quite nutritious. It contains many calories; hence, it is unsuitable for people who want to lose weight.

However, this makes it appropriate for people who want to bulk up. 

Here are the various things you need to know about the nutritional content of ramen and why it is good for bulking.

Nutrients You Can Find In Ramen

Many companies produce ramen. Therefore, not all ramen noodles have the same nutritional content.

Some ramen noodles provide more benefits to the body than others.

However, even though we can’t say the exact nutritional content, we can easily identify the nutrients present in ramen. These nutrients include:


Calories are vital for bulking. If you plan to bulk, you must consume food rich in calories. Ramen noodles offer a decent amount of calories with every serving.

This is because ramen noodles contain a lot of carbohydrates and fat. The calories in ramen noodles add up quickly. So if you consume multiple servings, you get more calories.

Hence, you can keep eating them. If you plan on bulking, ramen is a great food choice.  The great part about ramen is that it is cheap and readily available.


Ramen noodles are not rich in micronutrients. The only significant micronutrient that ramen contains is sodium, which can be found in everyday food.

Too much sodium is detrimental to the body.  Hence, avoiding other foods with high sodium content is better when bulking on ramen.

The limited amount of micronutrients in ramen does not provide significant health benefits.

Overeating ramen noodles can lead to various health conditions, such as stroke and hypertension.

Hence, it is essential to balance your meals if you want to bulk with ramen noodles. 


Ramen is very rich when it comes to macronutrients. You can rest assured that every serving of ramen contains protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

However, it has less protein than the other two. This makes it great for bulking people but not those looking for a lean build.

The lack of protein content can easily be filled with other foods rich in protein, such as chicken and eggs

That way, your meals can be properly balanced with macronutrients.  It would be best to reduce your consumption of fat and carbs when bulking with ramen.

Pros Of Eating Ramen For Bulking

High level of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are essential when bulking. You need a diet consisting of high levels of carbs if you want to bulk up properly.

Ramen noodles contain a considerable amount of carbs, which helps provide the body with energyCarbohydrates give the human body energy and help build muscle mass.

Bulking requires a lot of calories. That means you need to eat more carbs.

Eating a high amount of carbohydrates will lead to excess energy in the body. This energy can be burnt in the gym while bulking.

Ramen noodles are a fantastic source of carbs. It is very rich in carbohydrates and is easy to make.

High Calory Level

If you only want a lean build instead of bulking, it is better to avoid ramen noodles. Ramen has a satisfactory calory count, which makes it very suitable for bulking.

The amount of calories you can gain per serving of ramen is quite high. The best part is you can eat multiple servings.

Although a serving of ramen noodles might seem small, it contains quite a large amount of calories. 

Hence, if you don’t want to build up too much muscle mass, it is better to avoid this food.  Consuming excess calories is not recommended if you are trying to lose weight.

Is Ramen Good For Bulking 3

Cons Of Eating Ramen For Bulking

Low Protein Content

One of the major drawbacks of ramen is its low protein level. You need proteins when bulking as much as you need carbohydrates.

The amount of protein in ramen is very low, and it isn’t enough to develop muscles. Hence, you must find other food items to add protein to your meal.

You can introduce fish, meat, and chicken in your ramen to supplement the missing protein. 

If you take enough protein alongside your ramen, you will not have any problems bulking. Hence, the issue of low protein isn’t a problem.

Low Micronutrients

Another drawback of ramen noodles is they could be better in micronutrient content. Ramen noodles only contain sodium, which we can find in other food items.

Too much sodium is bad for the health. Hence, if you want to bulk with ramen, you must reduce other sodium food to balance things out.

You can introduce vegetables to your ramen to add more micronutrients. Micronutrients are essential for the body.

Hence, it is important to include them in our daily meals, especially when bulking. If you want to bulk up eating ramen, add some vegetables to complete the meal.

Eating Ramen Before Working Out

Many often ask whether eating ramen before working out is a good idea. The answer is yes.

Food that is rich in carbs is very suitable for pre-workout meals. Carbs provide the body with energy, which the body needs for a successful workout. 

Ramen also has high-fat content, which slows down digestion. Hence, eating a few hours before your workout session is advisable.

That way, your food will have been adequately digested when exercising. Nobody wants to experience stomach issues during their workout session.

Is Ramen Good For Bulking 2

Eating Ramen After Working Out

Carbohydrates are very helpful in energy recovery.

If you eat ramen after a workout session, you will quickly recover most of the energy you have lost during the workout session.

Carbohydrates quicken the body’s recovery process, which is very useful after long hours of exercise.

Eating food rich in carbs after a workout also helps to promote muscle growth.

You should include proteins and vegetables in your meal to get the best result from ramen when bulking.

That way, you get the most balanced meal possible. It is a great idea to eat ramen noodles after a workout.

Should You Eat Ramen For Bulking?

Ramen is not detrimental to your health when you eat it occasionally. However, it can harm your body if you eat it indiscriminately.

If you eat ramen excessively, it can lead to multiple health conditions.  Hence, if you want to eat ramen for bulking, it is important to regulate your intake. 

Final Thoughts

Ramen noodles are very common in many parts of the world, as they are affordable and available. It is easy to cook and needs only a few steps.

Ramen is rich in calories and carbohydrates but low in proteins and micronutrients. Carbohydrates grant the body energy and are vital for bulking.

In addition, ramen is also rich in fats. Its lack of protein and micronutrients can easily be fixed by including beef and vegetables in the meal.

Ramen is perfect for bulking; however, overeating can harm your health.