My Shoulder Pops When Lifting Weights – Explained

Weightlifting is a popular exercise with many physical and mental benefits.

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However, it can also cause discomfort or injury, especially if the correct form and technique are not followed.

Shoulder popping is one of the common issues that weightlifters may experience. It is a clicking or popping sensation that happens during specific movements.

Shoulder popping can be painful and alarming. This article will explore the causes of shoulder popping during weightlifting.

We will suggest what to do with it and how to address and prevent it. Also, we will add tips to recover from it.

So you will better understand the reasons behind it to optimize your workout and avoid injury.

What Causes Shoulder Popping During Weightlifting?

Here are some of the reasons why your shoulder pops when you do weightlifting exercises:

Muscular imbalances and weakness

Muscles around the shoulder joint, specifically the rotator cuff muscles, are crucial in stabilizing your joints during weightlifting. 

If these muscles are imbalanced or weak, they may not be able to assist your joints properly. It will lead to a popping or clicking sensation.

What to do:

  • Strengthening exercises: Include exercises targeting the rotator cuff muscles, such as lateral raises or external rotations, in your workout routine.
    It will help improve your muscle balance and strength around the shoulder joint.
  • Corrective exercises: Consult a physical therapist to identify muscle imbalances or weaknesses.
    They will help you develop a corrective exercise plan tailored to your needs.

Poor exercise technique

Lifting weights improperly or using the wrong technique can create unnecessary stress on the shoulders and joints for exercises that involve overhead movements such as shoulder presses or pull-ups. 

If done improperly, these movements can create excessive pressure on your shoulder joints, leading to a popping sensation.

What to do:

  • Seek guidance: If you are a beginner, always seek guidance from a certified personal trainer.
    It will ensure you will have a proper form and technique when performing weightlifting exercises.
  • Video analysis: Record yourself performing weightlifting exercises.
    Then, analyze your form or seek feedback from a trainer or coach to identify and correct any form errors.

Structural issues

In other cases, shoulder popping can be due to structural issues when you do weightlifting, such as arthritis, bone spurs, or labral tears.

These issues can cause the bones and cartilage in the shoulder joint to rub together, leading to popping or clicking sensations.

What to do:

  • Seek professional medical advice: If you experience persistent shoulder popping and are accompanied by pain, swelling, or weakness, seek medical attention from a qualified healthcare professional. You can consult with an orthopedic specialist.
  • Modify workouts: Avoid exercises that exacerbate the popping sensation.
    Modify your workout routine and focus on activities that are less likely to cause discomfort or pain.

How to Prevent Shoulder Popping During Weightlifting

Preventing shoulder popping during weightlifting combines strengthening exercises, warm-up exercises, and proper exercise form. 

Here are some suggestions on how to avoid shoulder popping during weightlifting:

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Warm-up exercises

Before you start your weightlifting routine, perform proper warm-up exercises to ready your body for the workout.

It includes performing dynamic stretching exercises such as shoulder rolls or arm circles.  It improves blood circulation to the muscles and joints.

Light cardio, such as cycling or walking, can also help your body to warm up and prevent shoulder popping.

Proper exercise form

Proper exercise is crucial to prevent your shoulder from popping during weightlifting.

If you perform activities involving your shoulders, such as lateral raises or overhead presses, you should keep your shoulders down or away from your ears. 

It will help to avoid excessive strain on your shoulders and reduce the risk of popping. Also, maintain a neutral spine and engage your core muscles to provide more support.

Strengthening exercises

Strengthening the muscles that support your shoulders can also help prevent shoulder popping during weightlifting. 

Exercises that target the rotator cuff muscles, such as internal and external rotations, will help stabilize the shoulder joint and lessen the risk of popping.

Also, exercises that target the upper back, such as rows or pull-ups, will help improve posture and reduce the strain on your shoulders.

If you’ve done the prevention tips correctly and the popping or pain persists, we recommend seeking medical professional advice.

How to Address Shoulder Popping During Weightlifting

If you experience shoulder popping during weightlifting, address the issue immediately to prevent further injury.  Here are some ways to address shoulder popping during weightlifting:

Consult a medical professional

If you experience persistent shoulder popping or pain, consult a medical professional.  A doctor or physical therapist will evaluate your condition and diagnose it correctly.

Depending on the intensity of your situation, they may recommend rest, physical therapy, or other treatments.

Rest and modify workouts.

In other cases, rest and modification of workouts will help alleviate shoulder popping.

Taking a break from weightlifting or modifying your activities to reduce the strain on the shoulders can help give the joint time to heal. 

It will also prevent further injury. Also, reducing the weight or intensity of your workouts can help reduce shoulder popping.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is an efficient way to address shoulder popping during weightlifting. A physical therapist can make a personalized treatment plan for you. 

It may include exercises to strengthen the muscles around the shoulders and improve mobility.  Also, they may use techniques such as massage or ultrasound therapy to alleviate pain and promote healing.

Use of supportive gear

Supportive gear, such as shoulder braces or compression sleeves, can help alleviate shoulder popping during weightlifting.  

These items provide additional support to the shoulder joint and reduce the risk of injury.

However, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before using any supportive gear to ensure it is appropriate for your condition.

Tips to Recover From Shoulder Popping

Recovering from shoulder popping requires a combination of proper nutrition, rest, and a gradual increase in intensity and volume. 

Here are some tips for recovering from shoulder popping:

Proper nutrition and hydration

Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for recovery from shoulder popping. Adequate intake of protein and carbohydrates will help rebuild muscle tissue. 

It provides energy for workouts. Also, drinking enough water can help improve joint lubrication and prevent dehydration.

Adequate rest and sleep

Proper rest and sleep are significant for the body’s recovery from weightlifting strain.  Let your body sufficiently heal and repair itself between workouts.

Also, getting enough sleep promotes muscle recovery and hormone regulation.

Gradual increase in intensity and volume

After you experience shoulder popping, you should gradually raise the intensity and volume of your workouts. 

It can help prevent further injury and allow your body to adapt to the demands of weightlifting. 

It starts with lighter weights, and gradually increasing the weight and volume can help you build strength and prevent re-injury.

My Shoulder Pops When Lifting Weights – Why & What to Do About It

Mindful training

Practicing mindful training will help prevent shoulder popping and aid in recovery. You must observe your body and listen to any signals of pain or discomfort. 

If discomfort or your shoulder pops during your workout, you must stop immediately and assess the situation.  If you experience shoulder popping or pain during training, you must stop immediately and assess the situation.

In Conclusion

Shoulder popping during weightlifting can be a common issue but should not be ignored. Muscular imbalances, poor exercise technique, or structural problems may cause it.

Warm-up exercises, correct exercise forms, and strengthening exercises can help prevent shoulder popping. However, if you experience shoulder popping, you must address it promptly.

It involves consulting a medical professional, resting and modifying your workouts, physical therapy, or using supportive gear.

Additionally, recovering from shoulder popping requires proper nutrition and hydration, adequate rest and sleep, a gradual increase in intensity and volume, and mindful training.

By taking these steps, you can address shoulder popping during weightlifting and prevent further injury, allowing you to continue working on your fitness goals.