How to Increase Running Speed in 2 Weeks

If you want to increase your running speed and you only have weeks, you’re at the right place.

How to Increase Running Speed in 2 Weeks – Guide

Most people think it’s hard and almost impossible to increase your running speed in 2 weeks, but it’s not.

The guide below will teach you how to become like Speedy Gonzales within 14 days.

Although you won’t significantly improve your running speed in 2 weeks, you can make good progress with consistent training and specific workouts.

Without any further ado, let’s learn how to increase running speed in 2 weeks.

How to Increase Running Speed in 2 Weeks?

You have only two weeks to train and want to increase your running speed, so I suggest you start today!

Here’s my training plan on how to increase running speed in 2 weeks:

Week 1

Day 1: On your first training day, start with warm-up exercises.

This exercise involves light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes. Then, you can do a series of interval runs. You can choose between sprinting and jogging.

Start with five sets of 30-second sprints, continue with 60-second jogs, and gradually increase the number of sets or duration of sprints as your fitness level improves.

After this, finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Day 2: The second day is a rest day. On this day, you need to promote blood flow to your legs and lose up your muscles.

You can try yoga, gentle stretching, foam rolling, or leisurely walking for this active recovery.

This will help you reduce soreness and prepare your body for your third-day workout.

How to Increase Running Speed in 2 Weeks – Guide

Day 3: On the third day of your workout, start warming up with light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes.

Then you can continue with a tempo run at a steady pace for 20-30 minutes.

It’s good if you try to maintain a pace throughout the run. You may find it challenging, but it’s sustainable. Finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Day 4: The fourth day is also a rest day. On this day, you can do some strength training exercises, such as lunges, squats, or calf raises, that target the muscles used in running.

These exercises can help you build muscle and improve your running form to run faster and more efficiently.

Day 5: On the fifth day, start warming up with light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes, then do a hill workout.

You must find a steep hill and sprint up it for 20-30 seconds, then jog back down for recovery.

Repeat this for 5-10 sets, depending on your fitness level. Finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Day 6: The sixth day is also a rest day. Rest days matter for increasing running speed. When you rest, you allow your body to recover and adapt to training stresses.

So rest, relax, take a warm bath, read a book, or spend time with your loved ones. Recharge your physical and mental batteries and prepare for the 7th day.

Day 7: Start the seventh day with light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes to warm up.

Continue with a long, slow run for 30-45 minutes at a comfortable pace focusing on building endurance rather than speed. Finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Week 2:

Day 8: On the eighth day, start warming up with light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes.

After the warm-up, repeat the interval run workout from Day 1 and aim to increase the duration of your sprints or the number of sets compared to Week 1.

Finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Day 9: The ninth rest day is for cross-training, which can greatly improve your running speed.

How to Increase Running Speed in 2 Weeks – Guide

You can do various activities like cycling, swimming, or rowing, which complement running.

These activities will help you build aerobic fitness, reduce stress on your joints, and improve overall fitness and endurance.

Day 10: Start the tenth day with light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes to warm up. After that, do another tempo run at a steady pace for 20-30 minutes.

Try to maintain a slightly faster pace than your tempo run from Week 1. Finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Day 11: On the eleventh rest day, you can focus on mobility and flexibility by doing dynamic stretching or yoga.

This will help you to increase your range of motion, reduce muscle stiffness, and improve your overall athletic performance.

Day 12: Start the day with light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes to warm up. After warming up, repeat the hill workout from Week 1.

Aim to increase the number of sets or the intensity of the sprints compared to Week 1. Finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Day 13: Rest Day

Rest and recovery are just as important as training when it comes to improving your running speed.

Therefore, like rest day 2, do some active recovery activities like stretching, foam rolling, or taking a leisurely walk to promote blood flow and reduce muscle soreness.

Day 14: Start the last day with light jogging or brisk walking for 5-10 minutes to warm up. Then do another long, slow run at a comfortable pace for 30-45 minutes.

Try to cover a slightly longer distance than your long run from Week 1. Finish with a cool-down jog for 5-10 minutes.

Extra Tips on How to Increase Running Speed in 2 Weeks

Here’s a list of extra tips on how to increase running speed in 2 weeks:

  • Incorporate speed workouts in your training: First, try to run at your maximum effort for 30 seconds, then walk or jog for one minute to recover. Repeat the cycle for 10-15 minutes.
  • Focus on proper form: While you are running, use a proper running form to maximize your efficiency and reduce your risk of injury. It would be best to keep your shoulders relaxed. Also, keep your arms bent at a 90-degree angle and your feet landing directly under your body.
  • Increase your stride rate: The stride rate or the number of steps you take per minute is also important to increase your running speed in 2 weeks. A higher stride rate will help you increase your running speed. Therefore, take shorter, quicker steps to increase your stride rate.
  • Do hill repeats: If you want to improve your leg strength and power to run faster on flat ground, find a steep hill and repeat running up and down it.
  • Get enough rest: To prevent overtraining and injury, you must have rest days as recommended. On these days, allow your body to rest and recover to adapt to the training stresses easily. It’s also important to get enough sleep, rest, and relax.

How to Increase Running Speed in 2 Weeks: Summary

You can achieve your running goals, increase your running speed and become a faster, stronger runner if you are patient, dedicated, and consistent.

The guide and tips above can help you start on the right foot, but remember that we’re not all the same, so you can adjust my training plan according to your needs and skills.

With time and effort, you can increase your running speed. Just keep running, and don’t let anything get in your way!