JM Press vs. Skull Crusher – Comparison

The JM press and the skull crusher are popular exercises among weightlifters, bodybuilders, and powerlifters alike.

JM Press vs. Skull Crusher Comparison

They both effectively target the triceps, an essential muscle group for upper body strength and size gains.

While the JM press is a relatively new exercise, the skull crusher has been a staple in strength training for decades.

Both of these exercises are tried and tested ways of building strength and size in the triceps, but which one is truly the superior routine?

This article dives deep into the JM Press vs. Skull Crusher comparison so you can decide for yourself.

JM Press

The JM press, named after powerlifting legend JM Blakely, is a unique exercise combining elements of the bench press and the close-grip tricep extension.

The JM press offers an impressive range of motion that emphasizes the triceps and helps to build size and strength in the upper arms.

It requires the lifter to have excellent form and control throughout the movement to perform it correctly.

The JM press also involves the use of the core muscles and helps to build upper body stability.

It can be done with various weights, making it versatile for any training program.

However, like any exercise, the JM press has strengths and weaknesses that should be addressed when adopting it into a training regimen.


Tricep Emphasis

The JM press is a highly effective exercise for targeting the triceps muscles.

The movement pattern of the JM press involves a combination of both the bench press and the close-grip tricep extension.

The unique movement pattern is an excellent exercise for targeting the triceps muscles.

JM press highlights the long and medial heads of the triceps muscles, which are essential for building size and strength in the upper arms.

Upper Body Stability

Strong upper-body stability is required for the JM press to be appropriately executed.

This implies it activates the abdominal muscles, enhancing general upper body stability and strength.

This exercise can assist in developing core stability and strength for other compound movements like bench presses, deadlifts, and squats.


The JM press is a flexible exercise that may be carried out with various weights. These include barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells.

This flexibility allows lifters to customize exercises targeting different sections of the triceps muscles.

Thanks to this flexibility, lifters can choose the weight that is appropriate for their skill level and goals.

For instance, a tighter grasp would highlight the lateral head of the triceps, whereas a wider hold might accentuate the long head of the triceps.

JM Press vs. Skull Crusher Comparison (2)


The JM press has good transferability to other exercises, such as the bench and overhead press.

The triceps muscles play a significant role in both of these exercises and by performing the JM press, lifters can improve their triceps strength, which can help them to increase their strength and performance in these exercises.


Technical Difficulty

The JM press is a technical exercise that requires proper form and control to perform correctly.

Doing it incorrectly can put unnecessary stress on the joints and increase the risk of injury.

Shoulder Mobility

The JM press requires a high level of shoulder mobility to perform correctly. If a lifter has limited shoulder mobility, they may struggle with the movement or be at risk of injury.

Equipment Requirements

The JM press requires access to a rack or similar equipment to perform correctly. This may only be available in some training environments, limiting its use.

Muscle Fatigue

The JM press can fatigue the triceps quickly, making it difficult to perform other exercises that require the use of the triceps muscles.

It may be used strategically in a training program to avoid overtraining.

Skull Crusher

The skull crusher is a classic exercise that has stood the test of time. This exercise targets the triceps.

The lifter holds a barbell or EZ bar above their head and lowers the weight towards their forehead as they lie on their back.

After that, their arms are extended back up to the starting position. The exercise requires good form and control to avoid injury.

The exercise has been used for decades to build strength and size in the triceps muscles.

Like any exercise, the skull crusher has strengths and weaknesses that should be considered when incorporating it into a training program.


Tricep Emphasis

The skull crusher is a highly effective exercise for targeting the triceps muscles.

It is an excellent workout for developing the size and strength of the triceps since it isolates them and maintains tension throughout the movement.

The exercise is beneficial for total tricep growth because it targets the long head of the triceps, the largest of the three heads.

Equipment Availability

The skull crusher offers versatility as it can be executed using various equipment, such as barbells, dumbbells, or EZ bars, making it a convenient exercise that can be performed in different training environments.

This adaptability empowers lifters to select the most fitting weight and equipment based on their skill level and objectives.

JM Press vs. Skull Crusher Comparison

Progressive Overload

The skull crusher lends itself well to progressive overload by allowing the lifter to quickly increase the weight or number of reps performed, making it an efficient exercise for building strength and size in the triceps muscles.

As lifters improve their strength and technique, they can further challenge themselves by increasing the weight or reps, ensuring continued progress and growth.

Muscle Hypertrophy

The skull crusher is an excellent exercise for building muscle hypertrophy in the triceps muscles, which can increase muscle size and definition.

The constant tension on the triceps muscles throughout the movement can stimulate muscle growth, resulting in bigger and stronger triceps.


Limited Range of Motion

The skull crusher has a limited range of motion compared to other triceps exercises, such as the JM press.

This may limit the tension that can be placed on the triceps muscles and result in less overall muscle activation.

Elbow Strain

The skull crusher can stress the elbow joint, especially if the lifter does not use proper form and control. This can lead to elbow pain and injury if not performed correctly.

Shoulder Involvement

The skull crusher requires a certain amount of shoulder involvement to perform correctly.

If the lifter has limited shoulder mobility or has shoulder pain, they may be unable to complete the exercise safely.

Limited Variations

While the skull crusher can be done with various weights, it has limited variations compared to other triceps exercises. This may limit its use in a training program over time.


There you have it, JM press vs. Skull crusher. Both exercises have their unique strengths and weaknesses.

The JM press is an effective movement for developing triceps strength and power, while the skull crusher is an excellent exercise for building muscle hypertrophy and size.

Ultimately, the choice between JM press vs. Skull crusher will depend on your fitness goals and preferences.

Whichever exercise regimen you select, it’s critical to execute it correctly, increase the weight and reps gradually, and monitor your progress to prevent injury and get the best benefits.

Remember that consistency and devotion are essential for reaching your fitness objectives and that you can push yourself to new levels of strength and fitness with determination.