3×5 vs 5×5 Workout – Guide

When it comes to strength training, there are many workout programs that you can choose from.

3x5 vs 5x5 Workout – Guide

The 3×5 and 5×5 workouts are two of the most popular programs that are often compared.

While they may appear similar initially, their goals, structure, and results differ. Now, they have their unique benefits and drawbacks.

You can learn more about these two exercises in this article that I’ve written.

Everything You Need to Know about the 3×5 vs 5×5 Workout

3×5 and 5×5 workouts are two popular forms of strength training that involve lifting weights for a specific number of sets and repetitions.

Here’s what you need to know about these two workout types:

  1. Repetitions and Sets: 3×5 workouts involve performing three sets of five repetitions of each exercise, while 5×5 workouts involve performing five sets of five repetitions. This means that 5×5 workouts involve performing more total repetitions than 3×5 workouts.
  2. Rest Periods: Rest periods between sets are essential in 3×5 and 5×5 workouts. In general, shorter rest periods of 60-90 seconds are used for 5×5 activities, while more extended rest periods of 3-5 minutes are used for 3×5 workouts.
  3. Frequency and Intensity: 3×5 and 5×5 workouts involve working with heavy weights to promote muscle growth and strength. However, 3×5 activities are typically performed with higher intensity and lower frequency, while 5×5 exercises are performed with lower power and higher frequency.
  4. Exercise Selection: 3×5 and 5×5 workouts are based on compound exercises that simultaneously work for multiple muscle groups. However, the specific activities used in each movement can vary depending on individual goals and preferences.
  5. Progression: Both 3×5 and 5×5 workouts utilize the principle of progressive overload, which involves gradually increasing the weight lifted to continue challenging the muscles and promoting growth. However, the progression rate may differ between the two workouts, with 5×5 exercises typically allowing for faster progression than 3×5 workouts.

Choosing between 3×5 and 5×5 workouts will ultimately depend on individual goals, preferences, and experience level.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified fitness professional to determine which training is best suited to your needs.

3x5 vs 5x5 Workout – Guide

Benefits of the 3×5 Workout

  • You’ll gain more strength.
  • You can gradually increase your strength and power for lifting heavy weights with low reps.
  • It is considered to be an efficient workout. The 3×5 workout is a relatively short and intense workout, which can help you save time in the gym.
  • It will save you time but will work all the muscles you want to target.
  • You can expect flexibility with this workout routine. The 3×5 workout can be customized to fit your goals and fitness level. So, you don’t have to do multiple exercises to target your fitness goal.

What to Keep in Mind

If you stick to the 3×5 workout, you will only be able to effectively build muscular strength if you use weights that are heavy enough.

Remember, the intensity of consequences is just as important as the training volume.

Only use weights that will quickly help you complete 12 repetitions. For instance, it would give you enough stress to change your strength.

When your strength increases, adjust the weight. Imagine that you are challenging your muscles to do more.

The 5×5 Workout

The 5×5 workout was popularized by the Strong Lifts program.

It involves performing five sets of five repetitions of each exercise, focusing on moderate to heavy weights and a higher volume of reps.

The program is designed to help build strength and muscle mass over time.

The structure of the 5×5 workout allows you to lift heavy weights while also increasing the volume of reps, which can help you build muscle mass and improve your overall physique.

This program is ideal for individuals looking to improve their strength and aesthetics and is often recommended for beginners and intermediate lifters.

It is best to train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to do this workout effectively. Make sure that you give yourself time to recover in between days.

Rest is essential when it comes to this workout.

The Benefits of the 5×5 Workout

  • Doing the 5×5 workout will help increase your muscle mass.
  • You can gradually build muscle mass when lifting heavier weights with more reps.
  • You will have balanced workouts.
  • It focuses on compound lifts that target multiple muscle groups, which can help you achieve a more balanced physique.
  • The workout is effortless, and it’s easy to follow.
  • Easy to follow and can be done by almost anyone.

3x5 vs 5x5 Workout – Guide

Some Reminders About the 5×5 Workout

  • In your first week, you must have a rest in between days. Mix deadlift, barbell row, squat, bench press, and overhead press in your workout. Regarding the deadlift, ensure you only do one set of five reps.
  • If you want to do more, then warm up by doing sets of five reps. Doing this will give you more volume without feeling the intensity of several representatives.
  • This workout includes three workouts using the 5×5 set and repetition scheme. That excludes the 1×5 deadlift you want to have in the exercise.
  • You should set two weekly workouts and determine them as A and B. Let’s say you’ll perform A on Mondays and Fridays. Then, you will do workout B on Wednesday. As mentioned above, you need to rest, so Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday are your rest days.
  • You don’t have to follow this daily routine. You can have different week cycles that will fit your schedule. All you have to do is ensure you allow for equal numbers of each exercise if you are doing an 8 to 12-week program.

Similarities of 3×5 and 5×5 Workout

Both 3×5 and 5×5 workouts are popular strength training programs focusing on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.

Here are some similarities between the two:

  • Compound exercises: Both workouts focus on compound exercises involving multiple muscle groups and joints and are more effective at building strength and muscle mass.
  • Intensity: Both workouts involve high-intensity training, where you perform each exercise with maximum effort to stimulate muscle growth.
  • Progression: Both workouts involve progressive overload, where you gradually increase the weight you lift to continue challenging your muscles and avoid plateauing.
  • Frequency: Both workouts are typically performed two to three times per week, with rest days in between to allow for recovery and muscle growth.
  • Emphasis on the form: Both workouts strongly focus on proper form and technique to avoid injury and maximize muscle activation.

Overall, 3×5 and 5×5 workouts can effectively build strength and muscle mass, but their choice may depend on individual goals, experience levels, and preferences.

Final Thoughts

Fitness is essential in our daily lives. Consistency is critical if you want to have a better-looking body and if you want to keep living a healthy lifestyle.

Now, you don’t have to stick to this routine. You can incorporate other exercises into it as well.

For instance, you can add warmups before you start your 3×5 or 5×5 workout.

As mentioned above, doing these exercises are flexible. You can tweak it as much as you like. You can have shorter rest so that you can have bigger muscles.

You can add exercises in between. It is really up to you how you want to incorporate the 3×5 and 5×5 into your exercise routine.