Why Is Soccer an Aerobic Sport? – Explained

During a soccer match, players engage in both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

Players need to be able to run long distances and maintain their energy levels throughout the game.

Why Is Soccer an Aerobic Sport Explained

This requires a strong aerobic capacity. Otherwise, soccer involves a lot of quick sprints, changes of direction, and explosive movements, which require anaerobic capacity.

Although the game is mostly aerobic, the player’s performance will be determined by how they respond to the anaerobic demands of the game.

An excellent soccer player must not neglect any.

If you’re looking for an aerobic sport to take up, find out why soccer is considered a good aerobic sport.

What Is an Aerobic Sport?

Aerobic sports are physical activities that require a sustained, continuous effort from the body’s aerobic energy system to produce energy.

Aerobic sports are also known as cardiovascular exercises or “cardio.”  The term aerobic means “with oxygen”.

That is, a player utilizes oxygen to generate energy to sustain their actions.

While Aerobic training is frequently linked with low-intensity, long-duration activities, there are many very intense aerobic workouts.

These activities are typically performed at moderate to high-intensity levels and involve large muscle groups.

Why Is Soccer Considered an Aerobic Sport

Soccer is considered an aerobic sport because it has all the features of aerobic exercise.

It primarily involves the use of the body’s aerobic energy system to produce energy for the body.

The aerobic energy system relies on oxygen to generate energy. This is used to fuel endurance-based activities such as running, jogging, and cycling.

Moreover, it can sustain exercise for extended periods. This is unlike the anaerobic energy system.

Anaerobic energy is used during high-intensity activities like sprinting and jumping. It is less efficient and can only provide energy for short bursts of activity.

Soccer involves a lot of running, which is a classic aerobic exercise.

Soccer is a high-intensity sport. It is recorded that players are either walking or running 9 to 14 kilometers in a 90-minute game.

This requires a high level of stamina. It involves either sustained running at a moderate to high-intensity level.

It also involves long-distance running, sprinting, and middle-distance running.

In soccer, players are constantly moving and running throughout the game, which places a significant demand on their aerobic energy system.

A player must maintain a high level of endurance and stamina to sustain their activity level throughout the game.

Continuous Movement

Additionally, soccer involves a lot of continuous movement.

You would see players constantly jogging, running, sprinting, and changing direction on the field.

These movements require sustained energy output from the body’s aerobic energy system.

Why Is Soccer an Aerobic Sport Explained

Longer Duration

Because soccer involves prolonged, continuous activity that relies on the aerobic energy system.

Aerobic sports are long in duration. Hence, soccer players must have a high level of cardiovascular fitness and endurance to perform at their best on the field.

Regular aerobic training can help improve a player’s aerobic capacity and overall performance in the game. This includes running or cycling.


Soccer typically includes different forms of activities. Running, jogging, and other forms of endurance exercise.

Hence the versatility. Also, it works for your huge muscle groups. While performing aerobic exercise, you repeatedly engage your arms, legs, and hip muscles.

Your breathing hastens and the amount of oxygen in your blood increases.

Your heartbeat becomes quickened and more blood will reach your muscles and return to your lungs.

In soccer, a player must be versatile to effectively play in any outfield position. Soccer has been numerously projected with benefits as a healthy sport.

Aerobic sports are great for improving cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and overall health.

They can be a fun and challenging way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in aerobics has several important benefits for physical and mental health.

The following are some of the most significant.

Increased Heart Rate

Aerobic sports increase the heart rate. It aids strong heart muscles and improves overall cardiovascular health.

Not only does it strengthen the heart, but aerobic exercise also strengthens the lungs.

It increases the ability to transport oxygen and nutrients to the body’s muscles and organs.

Regular aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Soccer has beneficial impacts on the vascular system. It reduces arterial stiffness, which has been linked to better cardiovascular outcomes.

Improved Endurance

Soccer also helps to improve endurance. It does this by increasing the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to the muscles.

Many soccer players need to undergo endurance training as the foundation of their fitness regime.

Increased Lung Capacity

Aerobic sports improve lung capacity by requiring the lungs to work harder to deliver oxygen to the body.

Effective in Burning Calories

Soccer, like most Aerobic sports, is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. They also increase the body’s metabolic rate.

Why Is Soccer an Aerobic Sport Explained

This can help with weight management and promote fat loss. When you engage in aerobic exercise, your body uses oxygen to break down stored energy (such as fat) to fuel your activity.

The longer and more intensely you exercise, the more calories you burn. It can also help reduce belly fat, which is linked to an increased risk of several chronic diseases.

Reduce Stress Levels

Being an aerobic sport, soccer can reduce stress levels. It can also improve your mood by increasing the release of endorphins in the brain.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Soccer is not officially recommended by any medical society for decreasing blood pressure.

However, new research shows that a fun team sport like soccer can be beneficial in managing high blood pressure.

Stress can contribute to elevated blood pressure, so reducing stress through exercise may help lower blood pressure in some individuals.

Lowered Risk of Chronic Diseases

Aerobic sports can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

It reduces the chances of developing heart problems such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack.

Does Soccer Also Have Anaerobic Activities?

Yes, soccer requires a combination of aerobic and anaerobic fitness.

While aerobic exercise is characterized by low to moderate-intensity, steady-state activities that can be sustained for extended periods, anaerobic exercise involves high-intensity, short-duration activities that require a rapid burst of energy.

Players need to be able to maintain their energy levels throughout the game. They do this while also performing quick bursts of explosive movements.

Physical fitness in soccer mostly depends on aerobic capacity. The aerobic energy system predominates during low- to moderate-intensity running needs.

As a result, aerobic capacity increases the distance covered during a game, the number of sprints, and interactions with the ball.

Soccer players need to be able to:

  • sprint quickly and repeatedly throughout the game, often covering short distances in just a few seconds.
  • jump high and often, particularly when going up for headers.
  • perform quick and explosive tackles to regain possession of the ball.
  • dribble the ball at high speed which requires quick bursts of energy and changes of direction.

Final Words

In soccer, aerobic energy is used for the majority of the game. Despite this, professional soccer players require both strong aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels.

This is because occasional high-intensity action is often necessary. Regardless of your age, athletic ability, or your weight, soccer is a great aerobic exercise to take up.