Volleyball for Elderly – Full Guide

When we think of sports for seniors, we often picture low-impact exercises like walking or yoga.

Volleyball for Elderly – Full Guide

However, many older people embrace more active and challenging sports like volleyball.

Not only is volleyball a fun and social activity, but it also offers a range of physical and mental benefits for older adults.

This guide will discuss how seniors can get started with volleyball.

We’ll also share tips for playing volleyball for elderly and explore ways to make the games more inclusive for all skill levels, so let’s jump right in.

Can Seniors Play Volleyball?

Absolutely! Seniors can play volleyball. Volleyball isn’t a fun and engaging sport only for young people. It’s suitable for people of all ages and skill levels.

In fact, many seniors remain active, improve their coordination, and socialize with others through volleyball.

It’s a low-impact sport with a lower risk of injuries than other sports like running, basketball, etc.

Volleyball can also help improve their balance and flexibility, preventing falls and maintaining independence as they age.

However, older adults should take precautions when playing volleyball and other sports.

For instance, they should wear proper shoes and protective gear, warm up beforehand, and take things slow.

Overall, with the right preparation and care, older adults can safely and comfortably play volleyball for elderly.

Types of Volleyball for Elderly and Game Rules

Studies say that volleyball can help seniors stay active.

They can safely play variations of the game, such as beach volleyball, sitting volleyball, walking volleyball, and Newcomb ball.

Let’s discuss volleyball variations for older people and learn how to play each.

Beach Volleyball for Elderly

Beach volleyball isn’t as physically demanding as traditional volleyball. But it’s still fun and perfect for older adults.

Additionally, the sand reduces the chance of injuries, as it’s softer. The courts aren’t as big as traditional ones, either.

Here’s how to play this type of volleyball:

  • Form two teams of two players each.
  • Play the game on a 16m x 8m sand court.
  • Set the net at 2.43m for gentlemen and 2.24m for ladies.
  • Use a softer ball.
  • A team scores a point when the ball touches the ground on the opponent’s side or when the opponent makes a fault. Faults include hitting the ball out of bounds or touching the net.
  • Whoever reaches 21 points with a two-point lead wins!

Volleyball for Elderly – Full Guide

Sitting Volleyball for Elderly

If you don’t like the idea of beach volleyball, don’t worry. You can also play another fun variation of the game: sitting volleyball.

It’s perfect for older adults with limited mobility or balance issues because it’s played on a smaller court with a lower net.

Additionally, the players can use their arms, hands, and feet to hit the ball.

Here’s how to play it properly:

  • Make two teams of six players each.
  • Play the game on a smaller court.
  • Set the net at 1.15m for men and 1.05m for women.
  • Everyone should stay seated on the floor throughout the game.
  • The players can hit the ball with any body part, including the feet.
  • A team scores a point when the ball touches the ground on the opponent’s side or when the opponent makes a fault. Faults include hitting the ball out of bounds or touching the net.
  • Whoever reaches 25 points with a two-point lead wins.

Walking Volleyball for Elderly

If you’re looking for a variation of volleyball played at a slower pace, look no further than walking volleyball.

While playing walking volleyball, the players should always keep one foot on the ground. Therefore, it’s great for people with difficulty jumping or running.

Here’s how to play walking volleyball properly:

  • Make two teams of six players each.
  • Play the game on a smaller court.
  • The players should keep one foot on the ground at all times.
  • The players can hit the ball with any body part, including feet. However, they can’t run or jump.
  • A team scores a point when the ball touches the ground on the opponent’s side or when the opponent makes a fault.
  • Whoever reaches 25 points with a two-point lead wins.
  • Have fun!

Newcomb Ball

If you’re searching for a simplified version of volleyball, consider Newcombe Ball. It’s played on a smaller court with a lower net.

Moreover, players should use a softer and lighter ball than a regular one so it’s easier to handle.

Here’s how to play Newcomb ball properly:

  • Make two teams of 2-3 payers.
  • Play the game on a smaller court.
  • Set the net at 1.83m for men and 1.68m for women.
  • Use a softer and lighter ball.
  • A team scores a point when the ball touches the ground on the opponent’s side or when the opponent makes a fault.
  • Whoever reaches 21 points with a two-point lead wins.
  • Have fun!

By adapting the game to suit the needs of elderly players, volleyball can be a fun and engaging way for seniors to stay active.

Volleyball for Elderly: 7 Safety Tips & Precautions

Here’s a list of tips for older people who want to stay safe and have fun while playing volleyball:

Volleyball for Elderly – Full Guide

1. Always Warm-Up Properly

Everyone should warm up before physical activities, especially seniors prone to injuries. You can warm up by walking, stretching, jogging, etc.

2. Wear Proper Footwear

Wear shoes with good support, cushioning, and traction because this footwear can help prevent injuries. Also, wear comfortable clothing so that you can move more freely.

3. Stay Hydrated

You must stay hydrated and maintain your energy levels during volleyball. So, bring a water bottle with you and take regular breaks to drink water.

4. Start Slow

If you’re new to volleyball or haven’t played in a while, slowly and gradually building up your activity level is important. This can help prevent injuries and ensure you don’t tire too quickly.

5. Communicate with Other Players

Without communication, you can’t win. So, talk to players on your team throughout the game.

Inform them of your position on the court and call out plays. Moreover, ask for a break if you don’t feel good.

6. Always Listen to Your Body

Take a break if you feel tired or experience some pain during the game.

Never ignore what your body’s telling you, and don’t push yourself too hard. Also, rest and recover between games.

7. Enjoy!

Volleyball can keep you active and healthy. However, it’s also great for your mind. So, schedule games often and have fun!


In a nutshell, volleyball can help older adults stay active, improve their coordination, and have fun with friends.

So, whether you’re new at volleyball or have played volleyball in the past, don’t fear the game! On the contrary, pick one of the variations above and have fun!

Most seniors choose sitting volleyball. It’s less physically demanding and fun. You can also try beach volleyball with your friends and family and have a great time.

Following the tips above, you can confidently take the court and maximize your game. So, get out there, pick a game, have fun, and keep moving!