Why Are My Volleyball Serves Weak?

Volleyball serve plays a crucial role in the game. It often determines the outcome of a rally and sets the tone for a team’s performance.

However, it can be frustrating and demoralizing if you consistently struggle with weak serves.

Why Are My Volleyball Serves Weak

The good news is that several factors may contribute to weak serves. With the proper method, you can improve your serving technique and power.

This article will explore the usual causes of weak volleyball serves and provide detailed solutions to enhance your serving skills.

Implementing these strategies will overcome the challenges and develop solid and effective serves. It will have a notable effect on your performance on the court.

Causes of Weak Volleyball Serves

Here are several reasons why you have weak serves in volleyball:

Incorrect Technique

Incorrect grip and hand position can significantly impact the power and accuracy of your volleyball serve.


When serving, it’s crucial to properly grip the ball as it maximizes control and generates power.

What to do about it:

  • Ensure proper hand placement by gripping the ball with your fingers pads and not just the palm. It allows better control and a more stable contact point.
  • Practice holding the ball with a firm but relaxed grip to maintain control and generate power during the serve.
  • Position your hand slightly behind the ball center to create a solid contact surface. It will ensure a clean strike without misdirection.
  • You should not grip the ball too tight to avoid restricting your wrist and forearm movement. Maintain a firm yet relaxed grip for a fluid and powerful swing.

Hand Position

Your hand position is relative to the ball’s direction and control of your serves.

What to do about it:

  • Keep your hand flat to achieve clean contact with the ball. Refrain from cups or bending your hand, as it will lead to inconsistent strikes.
  • Position your hand slightly, with the fingers slightly pointing upwards. It will help create topspin and control over the trajectory of the serve.
  • Practice how to maintain a consistent hand position throughout your serving motion. Your consistency will help develop your muscle memory and improve accuracy.

Poor Toss

The toss is crucial for a successful serve as it sets up the entire serving motion.

Poor tosses can disrupt the timing and rhythm of your volleyball serves, making it challenging to achieve consistency and accuracy.

What to do about it:

Consistency and Accuracy

  • Focus on consistency and accuracy by practicing tossing the ball in the same spot consistently. Consistency allows you to develop a reliable serving motion.
  • Use your non-dominant hand to guide and control the toss—practice using your non-dominant hand in releasing the ball in a consistent and controlled manner.
  • Experiment with different heights and distances to find the best toss for you.

Practice Tossing Drills

  • Do a wall toss. Stand facing a wall and practice tossing the ball against the wall with proper height and distance. The drill will help you focus on accuracy and consistency.
  • Work with a partner to practice partner toss. It will stimulate game-like conditions and allows you to adjust to different tosses.
  • Set up targets on the court to practice target toss, use markers, and create landing zones. Practice tossing the ball and hitting those targets consistently.

Experiment with Height and Distance

  • Experiment with a toss with height. Start with a height that you are comfortable tossing. It will help you make clean and consistent contact with the ball. Then, gradually adjust the height based on your preference and desired serve type.
  • Experiment with the distance between your tossing hand and hit hand to achieve optimal timing. Too close or too far toss can negatively affect your serves. So, find the best spot that allows fluid motion and clean contact.

Improper Contact with the Ball

Why Are My Volleyball Serves Weak

Proper contact with the ball is essential for generating power and control in your serves.

What to do about it:

Aim for the Sweet Spot

  • Aim to contact the ball with the heel of your hand, slightly above the center.
  • Practice hitting the ball with different hand parts to find the most comfortable and effective contact point.
  • Work on timing your contact with the ball at the highest reach point to maximize power.

Practice Hitting with Different Parts of the Hand

  • For a float or a controlled spin serve, try contacting the ball with a more open hand, using the pads of your fingers and palm to make contact. This technique reduces spin and generates a flat trajectory.
  • For a topspin serve, focus on making contact with a closed hand, striking the ball with the heel of your hand and fingers. This technique generates more spin and a downward trajectory.

Timing and Coordination

  • Aim to contact the ball at the peak point of your reach. It maximizes your power potential and improves your control.
  • Coordinate your tossing, footwork, and hitting motions to reach the ball correctly. Practice the timing of your actions to develop muscle memory and improve your contact consistency.

Visualization and Repetition

  • Before each serve, visualize yourself making clean and robust contact with the ball to achieve the desired trajectory and outcome. This mental rehearsal can enhance your focus and confidence.
  • Incorporate drills specifically focusing on contact with the ball. For example, practice serving against a wall and concentrate on consistently hitting the same spot. This repetition helps reinforce the muscle memory needed for proper contact.

Lack of Strength and Conditioning

Lack of strength and conditioning can contribute to weak volleyball serves.

Improving your strength and training will enhance your serving power and help you maintain stability and endurance throughout the game.

Insufficient Upper Body Strength

Weakness in the upper body can hinder the power and control of your serves.

  • Incorporate push-ups, pull-ups, and dumbbell exercises to strengthen your shoulders, arms, and chest.
  • Perform specific activities targeting the muscles used in serving, such as forearm curls and wrist exercises.

Poor Core Stability

A solid and stable core is essential for generating power and maintaining balance during your serve.

  • Include exercises like planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball rotations to strengthen your core muscles.
  • Incorporate stability ball exercises like seated twists and bridges to engage your core during training.

Inadequate Leg Power

Why Are My Volleyball Serves Weak

Leg power contributes to the explosiveness and drives behind your serves.

  • Include squats, lunges, and calf raises to strengthen your leg muscles.
  • Incorporate plyometric exercises like box jumps and jump squats to improve explosive power.

Mental Factors

Mental factors are significant in the effectiveness of your volleyball serves.

Addressing these cognitive factors can help you improve focus, manage anxiety, and build confidence.

What to do about it:

Lack of Focus and Concentration

Serving requires mental focus and concentration.

  • Practice mindfulness and visualization techniques before serving to enhance your concentration.
  • Develop a pre-serve routine that helps you focus and get in the right mindset before each serves.

Anxiety and Nerves

Nervousness and anxiety can negatively impact your serves.

  • Engage in deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves before serving.
  • Use positive self-talk and assertion to boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.

Lack of Confidence

Confidence plays a vital role in serving effectively.

  • Set achievable goals and record your progress to boost your confidence as you see improvements.
  • Celebrate successes and learn from failures to maintain a positive mindset.


Improving your volleyball serves requires a comprehensive approach that addresses technical, physical, and mental factors.

By understanding the causes of weak serves and implementing specific strategies to overcome them, you can enhance your serving performance on the court.

It also requires patience, dedication, and a growth mindset.

Embrace the journey of continuous improvement, celebrate successes, and learn from failures to refine your technique and mental approach.

With consistent practice and a focus on technical, physical, and mental aspects, you can enhance the power, accuracy, and consistency of your serves.

It will ultimately impact your overall performance as a volleyball player.