Will Running Make Me Skinny Fat?

A term in fitness and body composition has sparked numerous debates and misconceptions: skinny fat.

Will Running Make Me Skinny Fat Explained

It refers to individuals who are slim in clothing but lack muscle tone. But has a higher percentage of body fat than desired.

Many people turn to running as their primary exercise to shed excess weight. They’re hoping it will lead to a lean and toned physique.

However, the question arises: Will running make you skinny fat?

This article aims to unravel the truth behind this common concern and provide a comprehensive explanation.

We will delve into how running makes you skinny fat and also how you can avoid it.

So you will understand if running alone is tailored to your fitness regimen to achieve your body’s physique goals.

What Is Skinny Fat Body Type?

A skinny fat body type means having relatively low body weight or looking thin but not proportion in muscle mass.

It is a body composition type characterized by a lack of muscle tone and definition with excess body fat.

Men with skinny fat have fat accumulation in common areas such as the chest, lower back, and belly.

In contrast, women with this body type have stored fat on their lower back, thighs, stomach, and buttocks. The fat distribution may vary from person to person.

Several factors contribute to skinny fat physique development. These are improper diets, such as excessive calorie restriction or following fad diets.

It can lead to muscle loss while accumulating body fats. Genetic predisposition also contributes to it.

Some individuals have a higher tendency to store fat in certain areas or struggle to build muscle mass naturally.

Poor lifestyle choices also affect this skinny fat development, such as excessive alcohol consumption.

Also, a diet rich in processed foods and inadequate sleep can further exacerbate the skinny fat appearance.

Having a skinny fat body does not solely determine by weight or body mass index (BMI). BMI is a primary measure of body weight that is relative to height.

It does not consider body composition, fats, or muscle distribution. Therefore, you may still have a skinny fat body type if you have a normal BMI.

Suppose your body fat percentage is excessive compared to the muscle mass.

Will Running Make Me Skinny Fat?

The impact of running on body composition and whether it will make you skinny fat depends on various factors.

Or how you approach your fitness routine. Running alone is not necessarily the sole cause of becoming skinny fat.

Still, it can contribute to the outcome if not combined with other essential components of a well-rounded fitness regimen.

Running is a cardiovascular exercise with numerous benefits. It includes calorie burning and improvements in cardiovascular health.

It also helps lose weight by creating a calorie deficit with proper nutrition. However, running focuses on aerobic endurance.

It may not provide the same muscle-building stimulus as resistance training or weightlifting.

It is also essential to evaluate other factors influencing body composition, such as genetics, sleep, stress management, and recovery.

These factors can impact your body’s response to exercise and the overall effectiveness of your fitness routine.

Will Running Make Me Skinny Fat Explained

Why Running Makes You Skinny Fat?

While running has numerous health benefits, it presents challenges when achieving a desirable body composition.

One of the reasons why running may contribute to a skinny fat physique is its limited impact on muscle growth or hypertrophy.

Research using electromyography (EMG) data has shown that running only activates the calf muscles and works the quadriceps to some extent.

Increasing the incline during running can shift the emphasis to the posterior muscles, such as the glutes and hamstrings.

However, it leaves out significant upper body muscles like the shoulders, biceps, and triceps.

Unlike weightlifting or resistance strength training, running does not provide the same stimulus for muscle growth.

During prolonged cardio exercise, the body does not receive a strong signal to retain or build muscle.

It becomes problematic when combined with a calorie-restricted diet. The body may prioritize breaking down muscle tissue for energy rather than preserving it.

However, it does not mean running is entirely useless or should be avoided at all costs.

Running can offer valuable cardiovascular benefits and contribute to overall fitness as part of a comprehensive workout plan.

It can complement other forms of exercise, such as strength training, to create a well-rounded routine.

Tips on How to Avoid Skinny Fat While Running

To avoid becoming skinny fat while running and achieve a more balanced body composition, here are some tips to consider:

Incorporate Strength Training

Include regular strength training exercises in your fitness routine.

Try to focus on compound movements that target multiple muscle groups. These are squats, deadlifts, lunges, push-ups, and rows.

It will help build and maintain lean muscle mass while running.

Will Running Make Me Skinny Fat Explained

Prioritize Progressive Overload

Gradually increase the intensity and resistance of your strength training exercises over time. The progressive overload will stimulate muscle growth and prevents plateaus.

Consider using heavier weights, increasing repetitions, or trying more challenging variations of exercises. Progressive overload will help you avoid skinny fat body types.

Balance Cardio and Strength Training

Balance your running and strength training. Combine cardiovascular exercises such as running and resistance exercises.

It promotes endurance and muscle development. You can alternate it on different days or incorporate both types of training within the same workout session.

Focus on Full-Body Workouts

Incorporate exercises that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Full-body workouts promote overall muscle development and enhance functional strength.

Examples include kettlebell swings, burpees, mountain climbing, and circuit training routines.

Pay Attention to Nutrition

Follow a well-balanced diet that supports your fitness goals. Ensure you consume enough protein to support muscle repair and growth.

Include whole, nutrient-dense foods and avoid excessive calorie restriction, which can lead to muscle loss.

Stay hydrated, and consult a registered dietitian for personalized nutrition guidance.

Get Sufficient Rest and Recovery

Allow your body proper rest and recovery time to repair and grow muscles. Aim for quality sleep, manage stress levels, and add rest days to your training schedule.

Overtraining can hinder progress and increase the risk of injury.

Monitor Body Composition, Not Just Weight

Do not solely focus on the number on the scale; pay attention to changes in body composition.

Track your body fat percentage, muscle mass, and measurements to assess progress accurately.

It will help you determine if you are gaining muscle, losing fat, and achieving a more desirable body composition.

Everyone is distinct, and what works for one person may not work for another.

It would be beneficial to ask for guidance from a fitness professional or exercise specialist.

They can provide personalized advice and help tailor your running and strength training program to suit your needs and goals.


Becoming skinny fat while running highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to fitness and body composition goals.

While running offers cardiovascular benefits and can contribute to weight loss, it may not provide the necessary stimulus for muscle growth and definition.

Combining running with strength training exercises that target different muscle groups is crucial to avoid a skinny fat physique.

You can promote muscle development and create a more balanced physique by including strength training in your fitness routine.

Also, progressively overloading the muscles, focusing on full-body workouts, paying attention to nutrition, and prioritizing adequate protein intake.

As well as practicing proper rest and recovery is essential to achieving your desired body composition.